Who became the nawab of bengal | Who became the nawab of Bengal after Sirajuddaula

Who became the nawab of bengal.

Who became the nawab of Bengal after Sirajuddaula.

| Who became the nawab of Bengal after Sirajuddaula

Siraj-ud-Daula is deified as a idol as he stood against the British and refused to suck before them that indeed bring him his life. But there's another angle to view the verity. Nawab was playing  the hands of the French against the British and if the British were defeated in the battle of Plassey, there would be French rule in India. Also the same idol and sovour of the nation might have been regarded as a villain in our handbook 

Who became the nawab of bengal, Who became the nawab of Bengal after Sirajuddaula

This was indeed true of Muhammad Iraj Khan, his father-in- law, the Siyar claims, despite Siraj trying the turban manoeuvre with him 

 In vain did the Prince lay his turbant (sic) at his bases, and intreat him for god’s sake to remain with him, and to assemble some colors about his palace, that he might stay with safety, if staying should come proper; or depart with some decency, should flight come necessary. Mirza Iraj made polite defenses to decline, and went his way

Who became the nawab of bengal, Who became the nawab of Bengal after Sirajuddaula

Although he would been abandoned by his colors and his court, Siraj “ resolved to retain some people at least about his person; and he ordered that whoever had any demand upon the stockroom, should be directly satisfied. Numbers directly crowded into it, some (like multitudinous legionnaires) for their arrears, and some for advances to help themselves out. Some others likewise, under a variety of pretences, crowded into it, and entered as important as they pretended to; for orders had been given to reject no man; so that during the whole night the stockroom was full of people, who took capitalist on every pretence they could contrive, and carried it home 

| Who became the nawab of Bengal after Sirajuddaula

Who became the nawab of bengal, Who became the nawab of Bengal after Sirajuddaula

Robert Clive of the British East India Company was actually the bone who was declared victor of the Battle of Plassey, which took place 70 country country country country country miles north of Calcutta in 1757. Clive, headed English and Indian sepoy dogfaces. He, with eight pieces of ordnance, routed dogfaces and 50 French-manned cannons of his opponent Siraj-ud-Daula, the Governor, or Nawab of Bengal. It was the palm of Plassey which established British supremacy in Bengal. 


 Clive allowed that the voguish way to make safe the Company's interests in Bengal was to replace Siraj with a new and more amenable nawab. He plant a seeker in an unhappy senior general named Mir Jafar and after complicated conspiratorial addresses and the pledge of huge backhanders to all concerned, a secret agreement was smuggled into the women's diggings of Mir Jafar's house, which was being watched by Siraj's intelligencers, and Mir Jafar inked it. 

Who became the nawab of bengal, Who became the nawab of Bengal after Sirajuddaula

 Vernet, who between 1763-69 would be the director for Bengal for the Dutch Company, and like other Dutch in the region kept a jingoist’s eye on developments in the region, reported “ The Nawab arrived with his defeated crowds, after a rushed and unruly flight, at Moorshedabad about night.” Siraj went straight to Heerajheel, his palace in Mansurganj 

. This was indeed true of Muhammad Iraj Khan, his father-in- law, the Siyar claims, despite Siraj trying the turban manoeuvre with him 

In vain did the Prince lay his turbant (sic) at his bases, and intreat him for god’s sake to remain with him, and to assemble some colors about his palace, that he might stay with safety, if staying should come proper; or depart with some decency, should flight come necessary. Mirza Iraj made polite defenses to decline, and went his way

Who became the nawab of bengal, Who became the nawab of Bengal after Sirajuddaula

 Although he'd been abandoned by his colors and his court, Siraj “ resolved to retain some people at least about his person; and he ordered that whoever had any demand upon the storeroom, should be directly satisfied. Figures directly crowded into it, some (like numerous dogfaces) for their arrears, and some for advances to help themselves out. Some others likewise, under a variety of pretences, crowded into it, and entered as important as they pretended to; for orders had been given to reject no man; so that during the whole night the storeroom was full of people, who took plutocrat on every pretence they could contrive, and carried it home

| Who became the nawab of Bengal after Sirajuddaula

Who became the nawab of bengal, Who became the nawab of Bengal after Sirajuddaula

 Orme’s interpretation of that night of Siraj’s torture and melancholia is more regular and logical, beginning with the worried nawab’s appearance and that of some “ top officers” who reached Murshidabad around the time Siraj did 

. These he assembled in council. Some advised him to deliver himself up to the English, which he imputed to business; others proposed, that he should encourage the army by the offer of great prices, and appear again at their head in the morning. This he sounded to authorize, and, having ordered an immediate distribution of three months pay to the colors, dismissed the council, and retired into the seraglio, where, left to his own reflections and his women, his demons returned. 

Who became the nawab of bengal, Who became the nawab of Bengal after Sirajuddaula

Both accounts have a common conclusion by the morning multitudinous besides his stew remained with Siraj

 Both accounts differ as to the timing of what happed next, but not the intent. Orme writes that on the 24th morning, Siraj “ transferred down his women, with 50 monsters laden with their cabinetwork and conditions, and with them a great part of his own jewels, and some gold rupees.” (A letter from Mir Jafar that Clive entered on 25 June offers further details “. Mohun Loll he has dispatched to Purneah with his women and numerous treasures. I hope in god to take them all 

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